Friday 26 June 2009

Romanian music links
Dj Sava feat. Connect-R - The reason
Connect-R - Burning love
DJ Sava Ft. Connect-R - Sunshine
Ian Oliver ft. Shantel - Bucovina ( HQ official clip )
Zdob Si Zdub - Miorita
Emil Lasaria - Balada

Thanks, Michael !
Michael Jackson - Remember The Time - MTV
I can't think how could be my past without your music !

Pls., forgive me, i could have done for You at least 20% of the nicest moments You gave me.

R.I.P. !
... "Michael Jackson has been a part of my life all of my life. As long as I have been alive, there has been Michael Jackson. Listening to Jackson 5ive 45's on my Fisher Price record player as a preschooler; watching the cartoon and variety show on TV, and trying my best to do the robot like him during the break to "Dancing Machine;" learning and singing "Destiny," "Off The Wall" and "Triumph" note for note in their entirety throughout elementary school; memorizing all the steps to "Beat It" and "Thriller" (and coveting the jackets) in middle school; ... enjoying him ... on "Bad" and "Dangerous" through high school and college; snapping and singing along to "Butterflies" with my wife and kids. ... his legacy is intact: one of, if not the single greatest entertainer the world has known. Our prayers are with the family, but our condolences are to ourselves as well, for we have all suffered a great loss. Rest in peace, Michael."
--DeNon, Los Angeles, Calif. " ...
Video:Remembering Michael Jackson WCNC Charlotte
Jackson Leaves Legacy Of Cutting-Edge Music CBS 2 / KCAL 9 Los Angeles
Uri Geller: Jackson was 'genius' BBC
Greg Moody Remembers Michael Jackson CBS4 Denver
Jackson's amazing career
Michael Jackson's long and epic stardom spanned nearly four decades. » See his many styles
Pay tribute to the 'King of Pop'
Health issues took center stage
Reign of the 'King of Pop' wasn't over
Superstar died too soon
The late Michael Jackson had it in him to make a comeback, a blogger writes. » Share your thoughts
His death
Pics: Fans mourn
Friends react
Two icons, one day

Michael Jackson, `King of Pop,' dead at 50 AP
Fans from Sydney to Bogota mourn Michael Jackson AP
Michael Jackson was much more than the King of Pop AP
Like Elvis, Jackson was a King who died young AP
Michael Jackson, 1958-2009: The Talent and the Tragedy
Timeline: 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson dies at 50 AP
Michael Jackson's health woes took center stage AP
Quotes about the death of Michael Jackson AP
Video: First Person: Michael Jackson's musical impact AP
Video: Uri Geller: Jackson was 'genius' BBC
Video: Fans, young and old, celebrate Jackson's life AP
Most Viewed - Entertainment
Hundreds of Jackson fans converge on hospital AP
Britney, Justin, Beyoncé, Usher, Fellow Hitmakers Pay Tribute to Michael Jackson E! Online
Elsewhere on the Web
ABC News: Martin Bashir: The Greatest Entertainer Has Died

Thursday 7 May 2009

"dei capelli tuoi"
Mango - Amore Per Te
"È amore per te
come il sole sale e poi va giù
so che tutto il bene mio
dentro le tue braccia va a finire
Fai tu.. tu.. tu.. tu..
Io passerei tra le tue dita
ci passerei tuta la vita
Voglio ritrovarti qui
nei miei risvegli
L’aria dei capelli tuoi
respirare voglio
Tu sei, tu sei, lo so
mai come prima
tu sei, tu sei, lo so"

Thursday 19 March 2009

Don't discuss your intimacy and secrets with others

Choosing Happiness author, Alexandra Stoddard, is back with a new book in time for the lovers holiday with Happiness For Two. The book contains 75 essays aimed at finding happiness in loving relationships or "secrets for finding more joy together."Avid Alexandra fans such as myself will not be disappointed with this latest publication. Those of us who read "Living In Love" will find Happiness For Two to be more universally wise about love with less reliance on the personal love of Alexandra and Peter. For this reason, I believe the book speaks equally to men and women. I have a daughter aged 25 who is reading the book with her girlfriends so it seems to surpass generational boundaries as well.

My favorite essays:

6. Go on vacations alone, together.
7. Assume more responsibility at home.
13. Write each other's New Year's resolutions.
14. Celebrate more.
22. Don't discuss your intimacy and secrets with others.
23. Be there as a support for all important occasions.
37. Establish your own rituals and traditions.
43. Talk up, not down.

Monday 23 February 2009

About My last Queen !

nek-se una regola c'è
(lyrics - ... si faci cum vrei ...)
Nek - La vita e
The Queen

The Queen is the part of us that attempts to establish lawful order and moral virtue by focusing on relationships and by nurturing, encouraging, and protecting the individuality and authority of others. Our Queen addresses social problems and issues with warm, loving, merciful, and forgiving feelings toward otherness. The Queen is behind all practices or systems of shared authority including family and business partnerships, co-ops, communes, kibbutzim, rotating chairs in education, quality circles in business, and so on. The primary characteristics of the Queen are (1) benevolent feeling, or caring, and (2) shared authority.

Queen Archetype and story "The Good Father"

P.(M.)S.: (hahaha)

So are writing the experts. My gut feeling tells me that she has rather the King Archetype. 'Cause she wanted the authority. 'Cause she is so insecure, as her mother is.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Believe In Love/ Drug Addiction

Dido - Don't believe in love
Blank & Jones - Fallen
Do you believe in dreams,
That's how I found you.
But I can't be with you,
Till you take a leap of faith.
What I would give,
To feel the sunlight on my face.
What I would give,
To be lost in your embrace.
Delerium - Innocente (Tiesto mix)
Leigh Nash - My Idea Of Heaven
Dragostea e drogul meu.
Sunt dominat de arhetipul Rescuer.
Ea a fost "Queen". (see the next post)

DIDO - Don't Believe In Love

I wanna go to bed
With arms around me

You've overstayed your time
Maybe I slept peaceful
On your shoulder
Your arm warm around my side

The second that I feel
Your safe hands
If I don't believe in love
Nothing is good for me
If I don't believe in love
Nothing will last for me
When I don't believe in love
Nothing is new for me
Nothing is wrong for me
And nothing is real for me

When I don't believe in love
Why do you care for me?
When I don't believe in love
Nothing is real for me

If I don't believe in love
If I don't believe in love
If I don't believe in love
Nothing is left for me
If I don't believe in love
You're too good for me

Saturday 24 January 2009


Fattest and fittest U.S. cities

The No. 1 fattest metropolitan area is known for its sunny and popular beaches. » Surprising location


Thursday 22 January 2009

Fitness Myths Busted !

Fitness myths debunked

Do you burn more calories in cold weather and does stretching before workouts prevent injuries? » Find out


Fitness Myths Busted !

By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Tue, Jan 20, 2009, 5:26 pm PST


MYTH: Lifting heavy weights make women bulk up.

REALITY: Women don’t have enough of the muscle-building hormone testosterone to get bulky, even using heavy weights. The truth is, some people will gain muscle faster than they lose fat, so they may look bigger until they shed some of the flab and reveal the slim, toned muscles underneath. Shape sleek muscles with this workout from The Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels.

MYTH: Stretching before exercise prevents injuries and enhances performance.

REALITY: Researchers are still scratching their head over this one, since studies have yet to show conclusively that limbering up has any effect on staving off strains and other injuries. But they do know that stretching regularly can make bending, reaching, twisting and lifting easier. Best move: Save your stretching for post-exercise, when muscles are warm.

Monday 19 January 2009

All-natural beauty secrets

All-natural beauty secrets

A Chinese medical and anti-aging expert shares ancient remedies for smooth, soft skin. » Seven tips


Saturday 17 January 2009

Know Your Family History

Extra Stubborn Belly Fat
doing excessive cardio is actually working against your results because you are stimulating excessive cortisol production in your body and breaking down lean muscle tissue... all of which leads to the slowing down of your metabolic rate over time and deposition of even more belly fat on top of what you already have.

Also, wasting most of your workout time with ineffective abs exercises such as crunches, situps, and torso twists actually goes directly against your fat loss efforts as well. You see, the time you waste with doing all of these fairly ineffective abs exercises, is really just keeping you from doing the truly effective full body exercise combinations that actually stimulate your fat burning hormones and increase your metabolic rate for as much as 24-48 hours after each workout. You don't get that with "ab workouts" or "cardio"!

When you get these types of full body metabolic-surge workouts right, the excess belly fat starts to melt off quicker than you ever could have imagined. Yes, it IS going to take a little work though. You're not going to be able to just be lazy and sit on the couch every day hoping for your dream body to come true. Don't worry though, it's a system that can be applied by anyone, regardless of your age or current conditioning.

studying the techniques of working the deeper transversus abdominis & multifidus to help "pull-in" your stomach and help to make it flatter over time.
1. ... this program consistently get's BETTER results by NOT focusing on abs exercises !

What you really need to focus on is burning off the extra fat that is covering them up.
This can only be accomplished through a much more effective full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your fat-burning hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main focus of the Truth about Six Pack Abs Program.
2. This program uses none of your typical boring monotonous cardio routines.
basically this all comes back to the aspects of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), how much lean muscle tissue you have, the hormonal response in your body to the types of exercise you do, and the residual calorie burn (afterburn effect) in the hours and days following your workouts.
However, I also use a special unique style of exercise selection, combination, and sequencing in my Truth about Six Pack Abs Program that gets even more powerful fat loss and muscle toning results than interval training !
4. This program does not revolve around using any fancy "abdominizer machines" or "ab gadgets".
best floor, hanging, and standing abs & core exercises that I'll show you in the manual.
a well designed progressional training program that increases your metabolism and stimulates your fat-burning hormones within your body.
Over 15 little-known secrets for revving up your metabolism so that you can more easily scorch away body fat on a 24/7 basis !
Why most people are doing their cardio training totally wrong... and how to modify your routines to make them twice as effective for stripping away stubborn body fat.
My 6 unique Secret-Weapon exercises that build a rock-hard core and stimulate fat loss like no other exercises in existence... and the kicker is that almost NOBODY in normal gyms knows about these unique exercises.
  • A unique nutrition trick that tells your body that you're NOT starving so that it WON'T lower your metabolic rate. Hint - it has to do with how to stimulate a leptin response in your body

  • Why most people are wasting their time with exercises like crunches, sit-ups, torso twists, bicep curls, shoulder raises, tricep pressdowns, leg extensions, leg curls, inner & outer thigh machines, etc... Do YOU waste time with any of those exercises? Instead, discover the REAL exercises that burn 3-4 times more calories (and hence, blast away 3-4 times more fat) in the same amount of time !

  • The truth about lower abs vs. upper abs training, and why you find it nearly impossible to get those lower abs to look good. Change your training this way, and watch that lower belly fat start to disappear!

  • Detailed descriptions and photos of more than 60 of the most effective exercises in existence that will give you a tight sexy body from head to toe! This isn't just about abs... this is about giving you the full head-turning package... firm sculpted thighs, a tight butt that guys will drool over, a sexy flat tummy, & a toned back and shoulders that will look great in that dress of yours.

  • Cutting-edge scientifically designed full-body training PROGRAMS (not just lists of exercises) that will help you carve out a firm body and leave people asking what your secret is!

  • Why doing abs or obliques exercises do NOT burn fat away from your stomach and love handles... Instead, discover which exercises accomplish this MUCH more effectively!

  • How to eliminate the nasty exercises and useless machines that are WASTING YOUR TIME and may even be making you more injury prone!

  • How to blast through your plateau and continue to make progress by working through all 8 levels of abdominal training progressions.

  • How to teach yourself to be creative and think differently about your workouts... This is what will keep you interested and motivated in your training, while everyone else is wondering why their body looks the same or worse than it did last year.

  • ...
    • Why the "morning cardio on an empty stomach" that so many people recommend may not be so good after all.
    • Why the glycemic index of the foods you eat may not be as important as you've been led to believe in determining whether food will make you leaner or fatter... you'll learn what aspect of carbohydrate consumption is actually MOST important.
    lose body fat for good ... the natural way !

    Abs Without Crunches !
    By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Thu, Jan 08, 2009, 8:50 pm PST
    Plank pose
    Standing bicycle
    Side winder
    Forward bend
    See a video of these moves in action, then sign up to make over your abs in one month with our Flat Abs Fast plan.

    Instant Ab Flatteners
    By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Fri, Dec 19, 2008, 1:36 pm PST
    Pike 90
    Crunchy frog
    Side arm balance
    Score more amazing toners or try our Tip-a-Day ab makeover.

    Tuesday 13 January 2009

    Sunday 11 January 2009


    personality types

    You prospect already has an emotional desire, your job is to simply help them gain clarity on what it is, why it’s important, and how to fulfill that desire by investing in your program.

    A SYSTEM To Selling

    ... a ‘system’ for teaching anyone how to sell personal training services. ... If you’ve got a high school education, and some basic communication skills down ...

    ... when you get to the point in your business growth that you’re ready to hire a manager or full time salesperson to work for you, then you can train them how to use the system to get the same consistent and predictable results that you would get using it. It is NOT ‘personality dependent’. You simply follow the system, use the tools, and it works.


    Duplicator™ : Get These FREE Resources Now And Discover How To Stop Being A Slave To Your Fitness Business... And Finally Get The Freedom You Deserve !
    • How to STOP being at the mercy of under-achieving, slacker employees by quickly and easily finding the best quality personal trainers in your area who are eager for the opportunity, professional, courteous, smart, passionate and dedicated...using an automated system that sifts, sorts and screens applicants before you ever even speak to them!
    • The right way to interview and hire using preeminent positioning, so there is NO misunderstanding about exactly who is in charge and your new hire is grateful, respectful...and committed!
    • A revolutionary staff training system that gets everyone on the same page, immersed in YOUR business 'doctrine' - adhering to YOUR rules - following YOUR system - working towards TEAM goals!
    • Staff management systems that guarantee the highest level of performance from your people...even if you're not there to hold their feet to the fire!
    • How effective staff management is THE secret to fixing all your client management problems - making client compliance, follow-through, results, renewals and referrals as certain as the sunrise!
    • How to CLONE yourself - systematically duplicating your vision, your work ethic, your goals...your VISION for the every single employee!
    • How the right management system eliminates the FEAR of letting go and trusting that things will get done right without YOU having to do them!
    • How to finally get the BALANCE in your life you want (no more 60-hour, grinding work-weeks) by having a real fitness business management BLUEPRINT and honest to goodness organizational and operational SYSTEM!
    • How dozens of your peers are following the DUPLICATOR™ fitness business management system to get their life and their freedom back (and now you can, too)!
    • The LITMUS TEST for determining whether or not you can add another location... without your existing business going belly-up!

    Choosing a Specialty
    Choosing a Specialty
    By Mary Bratcher, MA, DipLC

    Career Path: Make more money and enhance your career by narrowing your focus.

    ... the best way to build a solid reputation and a steady client base is to become a specialist in a particular area of health and fitness. Discover why you need to narrow your market focus, how to choose an industry specialty and how to capitalize on your strategic decisions.

    Finding Your Niche

    ... there are so many different types of clients with different wants and needs... focus your attention on a select group of people who have specific needs that you have identified, you can market to those needs. ... is commonly referred to as finding your niche.

    ... First, ... take a good look at your individual skills as a fitness professional. Doing this helps you better understand yourself and your specific talents. It also compels you to closely examine your business strengths and opportunities in order to identify what market needs you currently meet or want to meet.

    ... for some people, a smaller business can fill a need or want that the larger gyms cannot satisfy. ... certain types of programs or services ... For example, your personal training services may be better able to accommodate the needs of clients with disabilities or clients who dislike loud music or crowds.

    ... some sort of injury or chronic pain ... However, when your client base seems to be a mixed bag, you may need to do some investigating to determine what market needs you serve. ... figure out what most of your clients have in common. Consider characteristics like

    gender, occupation, age, income level, fitness goals, ability levels,

    personality types, child/ marital status or

    personal preferences.

    ... then simply ask your clients why they come to train with you. It will be helpful to keep track of their answers, so provide them with a questionnaire to help you identify their commonalities. (See “Sample Client Questionnaire” for some questions to use.)

    ... You can tailor your marketing promotions and identify networking opportunities that will garner better results for less effort and less money. ...

    Becoming a specialist will enable you to provide a better service, which in turn will boost your credibility and your ability to earn more money. ... For example, a client who sees a regular trainer three times per week at $60 per session spends $180 per week. However, if ... this client achieve his same goals with only one session per week, he will be prepared to pay you $150 per session because he will actually be saving time and money. ...

    Selecting Your Specialty

    ... decide which area to specialize in within that market group. For example, ... your niche market is corporate executives who have above-average disposable income and limited time to exercise. ... determine precisely which needs of this market segment you want to target: their work environment, their time constraints, their income situation or a combination.

    For instance, ... you could make a name for yourself as an instructor who specializes in customized, 30-minute, highly effective circuit or group workouts in a corporate fitness center. ... the fact that you specialize in one area or the other makes it easier for people to find you and benefit from your expertise.

    ... When choosing, your main considerations should be that you have access to potential customers, you carve out your specialty in a growing area of the industry and you love what you do. Some examples of good specialty areas ... child ... inactivity; ... functional training with an emphasis on biomechanics; ...

    ... Read books and articles, attend seminars and conferences, and connect with individuals or organizations that can provide you with opportunities to learn all you can about the topic. Then start practicing your skills and tools in the field. Increase your knowledge and experience levels by trying out new things, within your scope of practice, with every client. ...

    Capitalizing on Your Specialty Status

    ... You can then shape your business identity around your particular area of expertise. ... you can become more particular about the types of clients you choose to work with or the programs or classes you choose to offer. You can also develop long-term client and

    professional referral systems ...

    ... consider the following suggestions:

    • Make sure that your business image and rates reflect your specialist status. If you are going to charge a lot of money for your services, you should invest in quality business cards, materials and equipment.

    • Submit article ideas to industry publications in an effort to gain credibility as a reputable instructor or trainer in your specialty area.

    • Build and strengthen your industry presence by applying to present at seminars, health fairs, conferences and industry shows on topics related to your specialty.

    • Keep yourself educated about the latest developments and trends in your specialty area.

    For Your Success

    ... It doesn’t happen overnight, but the effort you put into doing it will pay off tremendously in the long run. This is particularly true for trainers or instructors who work in larger fitness clubs and want to distinguish themselves. When you narrow your market focus and commit to becoming an exceptional fitness provider, there is no limit to the personal and professional success you can achieve.

    Mary Bratcher, MA, DipLC, is a wellness coach and co-owner of The BioMechanics in San Diego. For over a decade, she has used principles from psychology and life coaching to help people develop better strategies for dealing with life’s demands.

    Fiscal Fitness
    April 2008



    Managing Your Money Before It Manages You
    Learn how to create healthy fiscal fitness in a debt-burdened world.

    How to Finance a New Fitness Studio
    Create a business plan that will have investors lining up to fund your start-up fitness venture.

    Personal Training

    Taking SOAP Notes
    Ex Rx: Clean up your client documentation using a system favored by the medical community.
    Tricks of the Trade: Q&A
    How do you help clients to be “whole people” rather than simply physical beings?

    Truly Private Training
    Personal Trainer Profile: Giving clients ultimate privacy is the secret to Nicki Anderson’s success.
    The Business of (Relieving) Pain
    Personal Trainer Profile: Correcting dysfunction, one client at a time.
    Physiology Refresher
    Personal Training 101: When was the last time you brushed up on a few basics about the human body ?
    Tricks of the Trade
    Q&A: “What is the biggest challenge in your personal training career?”


    Group Exercise

    Scheduling Variety
    Buzz: Meet demands for fun programming with new equipment, props and the great outdoors.
    Sample Class: No Equipment Needed
    Class Take-Out: Try a unique and effective body-weight workout with no clean-up required.
    Guiding New Instructors
    Generation Group XYZ: Maureen Hagan, PT, 2006 IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year, has the finer points of mentor program administration down to a science.
    The Fitness Farm
    Ignite: Use these animal-inspired exercises to jazz up your group strength or boot camp class.

    How to Be a Great Instructor
    When teaching the adult learner, create a welcoming, motivating and trusting space.


    In Every Issue

    Making News
    Warm-Up: Dollars and Sense
    The Secret to Client Retention
    Career Path: Use a facilitator approach to empower clients and keep them coming back to you.


    Special Populations
    Special Populations Articles
    clients with disabilities
    Prenatal Pilates on the Reformer
    A Fall Prevention Program
    Clients With Osteoporosis
    Water Fitness for Seniors
    Culture-Specific Exercise Programs May Increase Physical Activity Among Low-Income Latinas
    by Ryan Halvorson

    Low-income Latinas are more likely to experience high rates of inactivity compared with other members of the population, according to a study published in the January/February issue of the American Journal of Health Promotion (2008; 22 [3], 155–63). Barriers such as lack of access to exer...
    Read more

    3 Popular Corrective Exercises
    Recovering Addicts

    for Recovering Addicts
    Yoga for Recovering Addicts
    By Shirley Archer, JD, MA

    As yoga styles proliferate, more programs are targeting specific niche groups who can benefit from yoga’s unique blend of body, mind and spirit. One of these groups consists of recovering addicts. In the 1970s, Superhealth, ... in Tuscon, Arizona, offered heroin addicts recovery services based on kundalini yoga, diet, massage, acupuncture and other alternative therapies. Today, the Hazelden Foundation in rural Minnesota—one of the world’s largest, most respected and best-known private alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in the world—offers “Yoga in Recovery: Creating Harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit.”

    Recovery yoga classes combine hatha yoga with Twelve Step principles to aid healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. ...

    Instructor training is available for those who want to work with people recovering from addiction. For more information, see

    Corrective Exercise #2: Hip Flexor Stretch (With Rotation)

    Corrective Exercise #2: Hip Flexor Stretch (With Rotation)
    Hip flexor stretches are particularly important in corrective-exercise programs because of the excessive amount of time we spend sitting down in hip flexion. Stretching the hip flexors can reduce the forward pull on the lumbar spine, thus reducing the possibility of excessive lumbar lordosis (a common cause of back pain).

    How to Do It: Kneel on one knee with the other foot in front for balance. Tuck the pelvis under, using the gluteal muscles and abdominals to assist with the movement. Raise the arm on the same side as the kneeling leg to increase the stretch. Hug yourself around the shoulders, and rotate the torso over the front leg. Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds and repeat 6-8 times. Ask clients to do at least one set per


    2009 IDEA Personal Trainer Institute™ - Assessment -

    Corrective Exercise Sessions

    Time Block A - Friday, 9:00-11:50am

    Session Format: Click for a complete list of Workshop Sessions" href="" jQuery1231723994091="11">Workshop

    Eighty-five percent of all adults will experience low-back pain during their lifetime. Limitations and dysfunctions of the hip joint result in a transfer of responsibility to the lumbar spine, which is not designed to work the way the hips do. We will take a look at the functional interdependency of the hips and the lumbar spine, and delve into the unique mechanical properties of the iliopsoas muscle and it’s affect on upper-body and lower-body motion.

    Time Block A - Friday, 9:00-11:50am

    Session Format: Click for a complete list of Lecture Sessions" href="" jQuery1231723994091="16">Lecture

    Working with clients who have back pain requires an understanding of the terminology and root causes of spinal pain. This interactive session uses real case history details to illustrate the key considerations involved in evaluating and developing exercise programs for clients who have back pain, and advises on how best to communicate with your clients’ doctors. We will also investigate the hierarchy of physiological control centers, which is commonly overlooked but provides essential information for achieving lasting results with your clients.

    Time Block B - Friday, 12:50-1:50pm (Special Time)

    Performing an accurate structural assessment is the key to understanding movement and ultimately being able to design effective corrective exercise programs. Participants will have the opportunity to practice performing musculoskeletal assessments that can be used with any client. The information presented in this session will prepare you for session #204.

    As trainers, you’ve been exposed to several assessment techniques and training regimens that can simply be plugged in to any client’s program. Many of these concepts appear to be contradictory to one another and may leave you wondering how they all fit together. We will explore the physiological foundation behind MAT and the distinctive concepts that enable objective analysis of the information uncovered by current assessment practices. In addition, you’ll learn and practice techniques that will allow you to assess the contractile capability of muscles and their ability to handle force.

    This course is an abbreviated version of the Muscle Activation Techniques’ Jumpstart (upper extremity) program.

    Performing a thorough structural assessment will give you insight into how your client moves. Once you understand this, you will then be able to identify their limitations and/or compensation patterns. This revealing information is vital when designing exercise programs because it helps you identify those kinetic chains that need addressing, ultimately helping them to improve function and eliminate pain and injury. Participants in this highly experiential workshop will have the opportunity to practice these skills and techniques. A basic understanding of how to conduct structural assessments is recommended. Those with limited experience in this area are encouraged to take session #114 as a prerequisite.

    Time Block E - Saturday, 9:00-11:50am

    Presented By PILATES® instructor trainer, the founder and co-owner of Pilates South Beach, and has a master’s degree in dance and movement therapy. With special expertise in the postrehabilitation applications of Pilates, Matthew blends his love and knowledge for performance enhancement, movement analysis, dance, physical therapy and Pilates into one practice.

    Click for a complete list of sessions by Matthew Comer, MS' href="" jQuery1231723994091="38">Matthew Comer, MS

    This workshop will explore the anatomy and biomechanics involved in the normal healthy functioning of the shoulder girdle. We will take a look at some of the interruptions that can occur and provide exercise progressions to help restore function. We will also take an in-depth look at the available movements and typical movement patterns of the shoulder girdle, and analyze scapular movement, humeral movement and relevant muscular action. Then, common abnormal or dysfunctional movement patterns will be addressed and exercise progressions will be outlined in order to promote optimal performance.

    Time Block G - Saturday, 2:00-3:50pm

    Have you wondered why some clients learn new exercises quickly and easily, while others struggle with the technique no matter how you coach them? Current research shows that many movement deficiencies in adults can be traced back to incomplete development of the motor-sensory and neurohormonal systems as an infant. The good news is that your clients can often overcome these issues using simple, fun exercises! Be ready to bend, twist, roll, crawl, lunge and squat as you learn how to identify and correct movement patterns that are sure to improve the general day-to-day functioning of your clients.

    Time Block H - Saturday, 4:00-5:30pm

    Recent research has shown that female athletes are experiencing an increase in injuries that result in serious limitations in performance. This workshop will provide appropriate training strategies and methods to properly design programs for this population. In addition, trainers will be supplied with an exercise arsenal that will make your female athletes truly better athletes.

    Time Block I - Sunday, 9:00-11:50am

    From stabilization exercise to core training, the literature is loaded with buzzwords and catch phrases. The body doesn’t know, or care, about these descriptive titles. A thorough understanding of spinal mechanics and resistance forces is necessary for good exercise design. Gain an understanding of the rules of the body by exploring the intricate world of joints, forces and muscles. Learn to examine the specific functions of individual muscles and their relationship to spinal mobility, and explore the truth about various forms of passive stretching.

    Time Block I - Sunday, 9:00-11:50am

    Exercise alone will not help the postrehabilitation client make the lifestyle changes necessary to improve their health. Pain, depression, disabilities and worry can consume your client’s thinking and undermine their belief in their own success. This unique workshop will provide problem-solving approaches to overcoming barriers and essential techniques to help your clients understand and overcome negative internal messaging. The result will be a more confident client who is ready and able to manage their own well-being.

    Preconference - Thursday, 9:00am-5:00pm

    This Preconference is available for $159 Purchase
    The process of assessing and correcting imbalances can sometimes seem like a daunting task. There is currently so much information on the topic that it is hard to know where to begin. This 7-hour, hands-on preconference course will provide trainers with a structured approach to conducting static and dynamic assessments as well as corrective exercise design that will improve client function and quality of movement.