Saturday 17 January 2009

Extra Stubborn Belly Fat
doing excessive cardio is actually working against your results because you are stimulating excessive cortisol production in your body and breaking down lean muscle tissue... all of which leads to the slowing down of your metabolic rate over time and deposition of even more belly fat on top of what you already have.

Also, wasting most of your workout time with ineffective abs exercises such as crunches, situps, and torso twists actually goes directly against your fat loss efforts as well. You see, the time you waste with doing all of these fairly ineffective abs exercises, is really just keeping you from doing the truly effective full body exercise combinations that actually stimulate your fat burning hormones and increase your metabolic rate for as much as 24-48 hours after each workout. You don't get that with "ab workouts" or "cardio"!

When you get these types of full body metabolic-surge workouts right, the excess belly fat starts to melt off quicker than you ever could have imagined. Yes, it IS going to take a little work though. You're not going to be able to just be lazy and sit on the couch every day hoping for your dream body to come true. Don't worry though, it's a system that can be applied by anyone, regardless of your age or current conditioning.

studying the techniques of working the deeper transversus abdominis & multifidus to help "pull-in" your stomach and help to make it flatter over time.
1. ... this program consistently get's BETTER results by NOT focusing on abs exercises !

What you really need to focus on is burning off the extra fat that is covering them up.
This can only be accomplished through a much more effective full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your fat-burning hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main focus of the Truth about Six Pack Abs Program.
2. This program uses none of your typical boring monotonous cardio routines.
basically this all comes back to the aspects of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), how much lean muscle tissue you have, the hormonal response in your body to the types of exercise you do, and the residual calorie burn (afterburn effect) in the hours and days following your workouts.
However, I also use a special unique style of exercise selection, combination, and sequencing in my Truth about Six Pack Abs Program that gets even more powerful fat loss and muscle toning results than interval training !
4. This program does not revolve around using any fancy "abdominizer machines" or "ab gadgets".
best floor, hanging, and standing abs & core exercises that I'll show you in the manual.
a well designed progressional training program that increases your metabolism and stimulates your fat-burning hormones within your body.
Over 15 little-known secrets for revving up your metabolism so that you can more easily scorch away body fat on a 24/7 basis !
Why most people are doing their cardio training totally wrong... and how to modify your routines to make them twice as effective for stripping away stubborn body fat.
My 6 unique Secret-Weapon exercises that build a rock-hard core and stimulate fat loss like no other exercises in existence... and the kicker is that almost NOBODY in normal gyms knows about these unique exercises.
  • A unique nutrition trick that tells your body that you're NOT starving so that it WON'T lower your metabolic rate. Hint - it has to do with how to stimulate a leptin response in your body

  • Why most people are wasting their time with exercises like crunches, sit-ups, torso twists, bicep curls, shoulder raises, tricep pressdowns, leg extensions, leg curls, inner & outer thigh machines, etc... Do YOU waste time with any of those exercises? Instead, discover the REAL exercises that burn 3-4 times more calories (and hence, blast away 3-4 times more fat) in the same amount of time !

  • The truth about lower abs vs. upper abs training, and why you find it nearly impossible to get those lower abs to look good. Change your training this way, and watch that lower belly fat start to disappear!

  • Detailed descriptions and photos of more than 60 of the most effective exercises in existence that will give you a tight sexy body from head to toe! This isn't just about abs... this is about giving you the full head-turning package... firm sculpted thighs, a tight butt that guys will drool over, a sexy flat tummy, & a toned back and shoulders that will look great in that dress of yours.

  • Cutting-edge scientifically designed full-body training PROGRAMS (not just lists of exercises) that will help you carve out a firm body and leave people asking what your secret is!

  • Why doing abs or obliques exercises do NOT burn fat away from your stomach and love handles... Instead, discover which exercises accomplish this MUCH more effectively!

  • How to eliminate the nasty exercises and useless machines that are WASTING YOUR TIME and may even be making you more injury prone!

  • How to blast through your plateau and continue to make progress by working through all 8 levels of abdominal training progressions.

  • How to teach yourself to be creative and think differently about your workouts... This is what will keep you interested and motivated in your training, while everyone else is wondering why their body looks the same or worse than it did last year.

  • ...
    • Why the "morning cardio on an empty stomach" that so many people recommend may not be so good after all.
    • Why the glycemic index of the foods you eat may not be as important as you've been led to believe in determining whether food will make you leaner or fatter... you'll learn what aspect of carbohydrate consumption is actually MOST important.
    lose body fat for good ... the natural way !

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