Sunday 11 January 2009

Corrective Exercise #2: Hip Flexor Stretch (With Rotation)

Corrective Exercise #2: Hip Flexor Stretch (With Rotation)
Hip flexor stretches are particularly important in corrective-exercise programs because of the excessive amount of time we spend sitting down in hip flexion. Stretching the hip flexors can reduce the forward pull on the lumbar spine, thus reducing the possibility of excessive lumbar lordosis (a common cause of back pain).

How to Do It: Kneel on one knee with the other foot in front for balance. Tuck the pelvis under, using the gluteal muscles and abdominals to assist with the movement. Raise the arm on the same side as the kneeling leg to increase the stretch. Hug yourself around the shoulders, and rotate the torso over the front leg. Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds and repeat 6-8 times. Ask clients to do at least one set per


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