Saturday 3 January 2009

Sex Addiction FAQ

Sex Addiction FAQ

by Dr. Doug Weiss

1. What is sex addiction ?

Sex addiction is a way some people medicate their feelings and/or cope with their stresses to the degree that their sexual behavior becomes their major coping mechanism for stresses in their life.


3. What’s the difference between sex addiction and a high sex drive ?

... A person with a high sex drive is satisfied with sex. It's not about a fix for something; when their partner says "NO" it doesn't make them go off the handle thinking their partner is totally rejecting them and have to leave the house or act out in some other way. If you can relate to this the chances are there may be an addiction issue.

4. Can you be addicted to masturbation ?

Yes, this is by far the most common sex addiction that I have treated in working with sex addiction. This usually is the first sexual behavior many of us will have on a repeated basis. This is usually where the sexual compulsion starts with sex addicts and this behavior, regardless of other acquired behaviors, usually stays active.

5. What role does pornography play in sex addiction ?

Pornography ... combined with regular masturbation ... with fantasy creates an unreal world that the sex addict visits throughout their adolescence and other developmental stages and creates an object relationship that conditions their emotional and sexual self to depend upon these objects and fantasies to meet their emotional and sexual needs hundreds of times before having sex with a real person.

6. Can someone be a sex addict and not be sexual with their spouse or committed relationship ?

YES ! We call this later stage of sex addiction, sexual anorexia. In this stage of sex addiction, the addict prefers the fantasy world and fantasy sex with themselves or others instead of relational sex with their spouse or partner. The addict/ anorexic avoids relational sex and hence this couple has sex infrequently and often at the partners request not the addict/ anorexics.

7. What is it like to live with a sex addict from a partner’s or wife’s perspective ?

The partners/wives of sex addicts report many similar feelings about living with the sex addict. The feeling of aloneness is a common experience with partners of sex addicts, the sense that he can't open up and tell you about his "real" self. The confusion of even after you do certain behaviors that this still is not enough and the hopelessness that there isn't enough. Anger for many different unmet needs as a person and as a woman are often common.


the addicts addiction started many years before you even met your addict. This addiction would have grown and damaged anyone they would have related to in any relationship.


9. Is there recovery for sex addiction ?


This recovery takes time and hard work especially in the first year but with guided help the sex addict can experience restoration in their emotional, relational, sexual, financial and even spiritual lives.


10. Is there research on sex addiction available ?

There is research being done in the field of sexual addiction. The monitored mail list of Heart to Heart Counseling centers provides weekly research information as well as excerpts from 101 Practical Exercises for sexual addiction recovery as well as Twelve Step discussions.

11. Can women be sex addicted ?

Yes ! ... The behaviors are the same as their male counterparts including: masturbation, pornography, internet activity, anonymous encounters and affairs. ...

12. Is there any way to help our children not become sexually addicted ?

Yes ! Even though many of our adult male clients report that their fathers were sex addicts (porn, affairs, prostitutes etc.) they also report getting little to no proper sexual information to balance their sexual perspective. Good Enough to Wait is the first video of this kind to help your children understand sex and the brain, the long-term affects of pornography, long term sexual satisfaction and a whole lot more. This is the best combination of sex research and spiritual principles to date for youth to watch to give them a proper and currently informed sex talk.



Professional counseling, therapy, treatment centers & recovery groups is the only solution ... Male b ottom l ine b ehaviors. Female b ottom l ine b ehaviors ... - 53k - Cached

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